ME Medicare Part B
Payer ID:
Electronic Services Available (EDI)
- Professional/1500 ClaimsDue to an event at the payers EDI vendor, the payer is currently unable to receive professional claims.Enrollment
- Institutional/UB ClaimsDue to an event at the payers EDI vendor, the payer is currently unable to receive institutional claims.
- ERADue to an event at the payers EDI vendor, the payer is currently unable to return ERA.Enrollment
- Dental/ADA Claims
- Eligibility / BenefitsDue to an event at the payers EDI vendor, the payer is currently unable to process eligibility.Enrollment
- Electronic AttachmentsYes
- Secondary ClaimsYes
This payer is also known as:
Maine Medicare Part B
Need to submit electronic claims to this payer?
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